Part 2- Why mobile development is priority for any business?
This is part 2 of a multiple part series on Mobile Development. The first Introductory blog can be found here. I will keep updating the introduction page whenever I add a new blog post in this series. Keep visiting!!!
Mobile application development has become a critical function as enterprises look to generate revenue and improve the customer experience through mobile apps.
As the demand for mobile apps grows, so does the development queue. According to a study by Opinion Matters, 85% of companies have a mobile backlog of between one and 20 applications, with half having a backlog of between 10 and 20 apps.
You can’t afford to have your competitive differentiator sitting in the development queue. If you know exactly what you want, it can be convenient to just outsource the work for a price, and simply build its cost into your budget. But developing a mobile application is not a one-time effort. Hiring a freelance developer or marketing agency to deliver a ready-to-ship mobile app is often a costly temporary fix, with long-term implications that are often overlooked.
According to MGI Research, most mobile apps will experience, in a two-year time frame, at least four major update cycles stemming from operating system and device updates. This means that buyers often find themselves in an unexpected “money pit” because they need to keep engaging with the original developer to fix things so their app remains compatible with each new wave of mobile operating systems and devices. Not to mention an inevitable, growing list of desired feature additions and functional tweaks.
In the past few years mobile app development has become a booming industry. Currently, it is estimated that there are 2.3 million mobile app developers who are devoted to keeping up with the industry demand. In fact, according to Apple, in 2013 1.25 million apps were registered in the Apple app store and accounted for 50 billion downloads and $5 billion paid to developers. With these types of industry numbers, it soon becomes clear that mobile app development is a key factor for business success.
The Biggest Benefits of Mobile Apps for Businesses
With the growing number of people accessing the Internet via smartphones and tablets, mobile app development has the unique ability to access a large number of potential consumers. According the PewResearch Internet Project an estimated 67 percent of U.S. smartphone owners use their smartphones to access the Internet on a daily basis. Recent studies also suggest that by 2017 app downloads will have grown to 200 billion and the subsequent mobile app revenues will have increased to $63.5 billion. The reason behind these exceptional numbers lies in the continued growth of smartphone and tablet sales.
Not only have the sales of smartphone and tablets increased, but the amount of mobile apps installed has also grown exponentially. The PewResearch Internet Project indicates that approximately 50 percent of all smartphone users have mobile apps installed; of this percentage, two-thirds of the individuals are regular mobile app users. These statistics show that mobile apps have a unique opportunity to engage with an entirely new type of customer, one whom is constantly connected to the Internet and the global commerce space. In essence, a mobile app allows you to have millions of new customers at your fingertips. All that is left for you to do, is to develop an effective app and reap the benefits of your labors.
Be with your customers and build loyalty
As more and more people have started spending more time on the smartphone, it is very important for business to reach where the people are and having mobile apps gives you an edge before others. Mobile apps work to consistently increase customer loyalty, especially in the retail sector.
Reinforce your Brand
Mobile apps offer the unique opportunity for brand reinforcement through a new channel. Through mobile apps, customers are encouraged to download the free branded version, where they can customize preferences to fit their specific needs.
Increase your Visibility
In 2013, there were over 50 billion mobile app downloads on the Apple store. A mobile app is like your website in the app store and eventually everyone would be searching their need in the mobile store.Having your apps gives you an additional visibility. Your business will get up-to-date image among your target audience and builds credibility.
Increase your Accessibility
Smartphone and tablet users are constantly on the go; this means that they don’t always have time to sign into a mobile website. And these mobile websites are designed for readability and navigation, NOT for process management. Mobile apps allow users to have easy, functional access to information, products, services and processes that they need in real-time and are optimized for hands on interaction.
Increase Sell-through
Recent analysis suggests that mobile app users spend more time on a company’s mobile app, then they spend on the company’s mobile website.
More satisfied customers ultimately helps in earning more revenue from mobile sources.
Stay tuned for more…