A brief introduction to UML
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized modeling language enabling developers to specify, visualize, construct and document artifacts of a software system. Thus, UML makes these artifacts scalable, secure and robust in execution. UML is an important aspect involved in object-oriented software development. It uses graphic notation to create visual models of software systems.
Some of the important components of UML are:
Use Case Diagrams
- One of the most important, compulsory diagrams.
- It will answer “What will the system will do?” not concern about how and where.
- Used in the requirement phase of the SDLC.
- Who of the system/end user of the system.
- Two types of actors Primary and Secondary.
- Primary: actively participants and they initiate the use case.
- Secondary: passively participate in the use case.
Use Case: They represent action, represented by strong verbs.
Use Case Table: Represent the details of Use Case diagram in textual format. The basic content is as follows:
- Use Case ID
- Use Case Name
- Description
- Primary Actors
- Trigger
- Pre-condition
- Assumption
- Failed End conditions / action on them
- Main Scenarios / action on them
- Alternate Scenario / Action on them
- Success Scenarios
- Note and Open Issues
Use Case Relationship: There are two types of relationships Extend and Include.
Include: represent invocation of one use case by the other. (Like one function called by other function). Has-a relationship. Depicted by a dotted arrow.
Extend: extend existing use case. Work same as the base use case only that some new functionality will be inserted in the extended use case. Parent-child, Is-a relationship. Depicted by a solid arrow with Solid filled triangle arrow.
Class Diagrams
- A prototype which helps us creates objects.
- They define static part of the project, blueprint.
- Three Sections:
- Class Name
- Properties/ Attributes
- Methods
- + indicates Public
- # indicates protected
- – indicates private.
- Multiplicity
- 0…* è zero or many instances
- 1…* è at least one or more instances
- Aggregation, check below notes for definition. The whole object can exist without the aggregated object. Depicted by an empty diamond arrow.
- Composition, check below notes for definition. The Whole object does not exist without the aggregated object. Depicted by a dark Diamond Arrow.
- Generalization and Specialization, Parent-Child relationship. The arrow points from Specialization to Generalization (i.e. from child to Parent).
- Interface, represented as <interface name>. The attribute part is blank as the interface does not contain as attributes of its own.
- Abstract Class, represented by class name {abstract}.
Object Diagram
- Objects are created from Classes, they contain live data.
- They give a pictorial representation of class diagram at any point of time.
- They should be only drawn to represent complicated relationship bet objects.
Sequence Diagram
- They show interaction bet objects over a specific time period.
- The message flow is shown vertically in waterfall manner i.e. starts from the top and flows to the bottom.
- Requests are shown with dark arrows and return requests are shown in dotted arrows.
- Vertical rectangle shows the lifetime of the object.
- There can be different kinds of messages in a Sequence diagram.
- Synchronous message: are those messages where caller waits for the response. Represented by a dark arrow with bold dark head.
- Asynchronous message: are those messages where the caller does not wait for the response. And does something else and return back when receives Represented by a dark arrow with a thin dark head.
- Recursive Messages: object/Function calling itself like factorial.
- Synchronous message: are those messages where caller waits for the response. Represented by a dark arrow with bold dark head.
- Message Constraints: Represent the condition while executing the message. Shown by [] braces.
- Message Branching: It shows a conditional statement execution.
Collaboration Diagram
- They show the same information as Sequence diagram, but in a different way.
- Sequence diagram we pay more attention to Time and sequence.
- Collaboration diagram we pay more attention on the interaction of messages bet the objects.
- Objects are represented by rectangles.
- Messages are represented by an arrow and sequence number.
- Conditional statements are denoted by [] brackets.
For Each Collaboration: is represented by the () brackets.
Activity Diagram
- Are used to capture complicated process flows in a system.
- Used especially to explain complex pseudo code.
- Start of an activity diagram is by a dark circle.
- End of activity is denoted by a dark circle inside a white circle.
- Activities are represented by ovals.
- Decision making by diamond shapes.
- Decision in side [] brackets.
- Parallel Processing is indicated by dark solid lines.
- Swimlanes are used to indicate the responsibility using partition as shown below.
State Chart Diagram
- They are rarely used diagram. They depict how an object responds to events.
- If the project has scenarios where the object goes through a lot of complicated states and transitions then these diagrams should be used.
- If we do not have such scenarios then Sequence, collaboration or activity would be enough.
- There are 3 main things in State Chart Diagram:
- Action: triggers an object state from one state to another.
- Events: triggers the action.
- Guard: is condition on which it evaluates which action to be triggered.
- Start of diagram is by a dark circle.
- End is denoted by a dark circle inside a white circle.
- States are represented by ovals.
- Events are left of “/” and actions are written on right hand side.
Component Diagrams
- Somewhat same as package diagram.
- Package diagram shows logical grouping while component dig shows interactions.
- Components are represented by Rectangles.
- Stereo types <> are used to represent the name of component.
Deployment Diagram
- They show a static view how software and hardware in the application.
- They show what components are installed on the hardware.
- Hardware is shown with the solid box.
- We can have more than 1 component on a single hardware.
Stereo Type
- Are not diagrams, but way to define variations on existing UML diagrams.
- Can be used with any diagram using “<>” signs.
UML Flow
What are must have diagrams
Any standard technical document at least should have following diagrams,
- Use case Diagram
- Sequence Diagram
- Class Diagram
- Deployment Diagram
- Component Diagram
these diagrams will make the document more relevant and helpful to the technical teams in immediate or long term.