Tag Archives: design pattern in c#
Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
Introduction Model-View-Controller (MVC)is a classic design pattern often used by applications that need the ability to maintain multiple views of the same data. That is when we want to use the same data but rendered on different types of devices like PC, mobile, pad etc. Each of these devices will be required to render the […]

Design Pattern and Types
Introduction There are so many books and articles on the internet that already explain these topics in depth. But sometimes what we look at is brief but up to date description of topics. In the coming days, I will be writing some articles which will explain different design patterns as short as possible. anyone can […]
Prototype Pattern
Introduction Is a Creational Pattern. This design pattern that is used to instantiate a class by copying, or cloning, the properties of an existing object. The new object is an exact copy of the prototype but permits modification without altering the original. Cloning can be achieved by implementing ICloneable of the System namespace. The only member […]
Difference between MVC & MVP
Introduction Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) patterns are used for quite a time by many developers/ architects for designing applications. Both (MVC & MVP) patterns have been used for several years and address a key OO principal namely separation of concerns between the UI and the business layers. One question that keeps coming up over […]
Model View Presenter Pattern
Introduction MVP is a variation of MVC, Loosely couple modules. It separates the concerns of an application’s data, presentation, and user input into specialized components. The view and the model don’t know of each other. There are normally four main classes used in the MVP pattern (3 classes and 1 interface) View (WinForm/ WebForm/XAML-file). Interface […]
Facade Pattern
They fall into structural pattern categories. Façade pattern sits on the top of group of subsystems and allows them to communicate in a unified manner. The façade takes care of orchestration part and present more simplified interface to the client. Example: In a typical online shopping cart when a customer places any order following […]
Singleton Pattern
The singleton pattern falls into Creational patterns. When it is used Used when we want only one object to be shared between clients. The client should not create an object. The object should be created only once and then the same object should service all the client requests. How to Implement There are various different […]
Abstract Factory Patterns
This is a rarely used pattern. It exists only when you have factory patterns in the project. Abstract factory expands on the basic factory pattern. Abstract factory helps us to unite similar factory patterns classes into one unified interface. This leads to more simplified interface for the client. Example: Steps: We have common […]
Factory Pattern
Introduction One of the most widely used creational patterns is the Factory. This pattern is aptly named, as it calls for the use of a specialized object solely to create other objects, much like a real-world factory. We need Factory pattern: To eliminate new keywords to create on client. The client is not aware of […]